About Us

About SiP

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Founding Story: How the Society for Inclusion & Participation got started.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In non sollicitudin leo. Curabitur mattis scelerisque tortor ornare vulputate. In imperdiet cursus condimentum. Integer placerat tempus ante, et dictum elit pulvinar ac. In mi mauris, porta id porttitor nec, condimentum id enim. 

Taking my 35 years of working and playing on rivers around the globe. Seeing firsthand the power that these corridors have to transform, empower and create tremendous personal growth. SiP Global grew in my brain working internationally while teaching courses related to wheelchair seating and related services for the last 15 years as an Occupational Therapist and seeing the incredibly difficult lives persons with disabilities (PWD) are living with, and many people dying from preventable complications.

I came to realize that there is no one more ideally equipped to provide truly therapeutic programs on expedition-style programs based around whitewater kayaking and rivers. I look forward to working with the many healthcare and outdoor professionals who we have been lucky to get to know and the many we hope to meet!

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